Thursday, December 5, 2013

What's Next?

     The big question everyone is dying to have answered after reading the final book is, "Is there going to be a 4th book?".  Suzanne Collins shared in a press release in April of 2013 that we can expect a 4th book to follow the Hunger Games trilogy.  However, Collins said that after finishing writing Mockingjay, she had and still has no intentions of continuing Katniss' future or any of the other casts'.  She said that after the books were all released she began getting fan mail asking more about the history of Panem.  Instead of continuing the trilogy with Katniss' future, Collins has thought about writing a prequel to the series.  This novel would tell the story of Panem and the original rebellion that generated the Hunger Games in the first place. The end of the prequel would lead into the Hunger Games' first book with the games involving Katniss Everdeen.  However, there is nothing definite about the 4th book being written, and we will just have to wait and see what Collins decides to do!
     Another question many fans have is "Can we expect a Mockingjay movie?"  The answer to this is 'Yes!', and we can expect not just one, but two!  How will there be two if the series ends with Mockingjay?  Of course since the movies were such an economic success, it makes sense to drag them out as long as possible.  Mockingjay Part I is in the process of filming, and is supposed to be released in theaters around November of 2014.  We can expect to see Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, and Sam Claflin along with many other familiar faces from the first two movies.  Mockingjay Part II is expected to be released in 2015, again around the end of November.  Until then we have to wait and see what is next for the Hunger Games trilogy.

"Suzanne Collins Announces New 'Hunger Games' Book!" N.p., 1 Apr. 2013. Web.


  1. I personally was obsessed with the books and read right through them all. It was good to see how true the movie stayed to the book, but the Hunger Games series are fairly new when compared to Twilight, or even Harry Potter. However this craze with books and turning them into movies will probably continue forever, especially since a new trilogy of books are being turned into movies, Divergent.

  2. I can't believe they are dragging this out. I literally hate that they have the power to do this and cause us such agony!! The anticipation is so heart wrenching. I hope you're right about the prequel to the Hunger Games series. I started to read the books but never finished the 2nd one because I just got tired of the story. The most interesting aspect in these books in my opinion was the society they lived in. post-apocalyptic (I'm assuming) worlds are so terrifying and interesting to me and that's what I would love to know more about. It's such a crazy world that they live in and it was hard for me to grasp when I was attempting to read the series. I think maybe after knowing about the past of this world I may be able to wrap my head around the stories more and enjoy the published books. Thanks for the head's up, I'll definitely be looking out for them!
