Thursday, December 5, 2013

Role Models and Crushes

Jennifer Lawrence 
     The Hunger Games movies are very popular right now especially among the teenagers.  One reason may be that they have read the books, or the story line is different and appealing.  Another reason the phenomenon could attract the younger generation is the attractiveness of the actors and actresses.  Jennifer Lawrence, whom plays Katniss Everdeen, is in her early twenties and is a very physically attractive woman.  Being the main character of the movies, this attracts teenage men to go watch the movie.
     At the same time, this could attract young females to the movie because of her beauty both inside and out.  Jennifer Lawrence has proved through interviews that she is not caught up in the fame, and is a down to earth woman.  Some of her interviews and quotes are surprising because of how different and unique she is compared to the other celebrities in Hollywood.  When she was asked about making movies by Vanity Fair Magazine, her response was, "Not to sound rude, but [acting] is stupid, everybody's like, 'How can you remain so level head?' And I'm like, 'Why would I ever get cocky? I'm not saving anybody's life. There are doctors who save lives and firemen who run into burning buildings. I'm making movies. It's stupid."  This remark alone shows that she realizes who she is and what role she plays in the grand scheme of things.  

From Left to Right: Hutcherson, Hemsworth, Claflin

     For teenage girls, there is Peeta Mellark played by Josh Hutcherson, and Gale Hawthorne played by Liam Hemsworth.  Both actors are in their early twenties, and are physically attractive as well.  In Catching Fire, a new character is introduced, Finnick Odair played by Sam Claflin.  In my opinion, similar to many other teenagers, these three male characters are very attractive and make the movie just that much more enjoyable to watch.

"Jennifer Lawrence." N.p., 2 Jan. 2013. Web.

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